Mechanized Perma S.L. Has carried out the project “Acquisition of a wire EDM machine to improve the company’s productive capacity” With file number inpyme/2021/242, belonging to the program “Aid to support the realization of sustainable investments of an industrial nature that contribute to the growth and consolidation of industrial SMEs linked to the footwear, ceramic, metal-mechanical, textile, toy, marble-natural stone and aggregate, wood-furniture and lighting, chemical, automotive, plastic, containers and packaging, paper and arts sectors. graphics, waste recovery and the emerging sectors of biotechnology, audiovisual production and video game production of the Valencian Community, for a maximum amount granted of €36,120.00, within the fourth phase of implementation of the strategic plan of the Valencian industry . With which it has been subsidized, according to the resolution of July 9, 2021, of the general director of industry, energy and mines.